Thursday, August 28, 2014

[Canvases] Garden Two

        The woman in blue finally found the young man standing in the third maze, but she stalled at the entrance for a few breaths, unblinking. His left side faced her, illuminated in waves by the shifting of the clouds over the moon. She let herself wonder again what exactly the moon reflected, with the lack of sun in the starlit black. She heard him choke back a cough, and blinked once. His shoulders heaved slowly, and she heard his shallow and rattling breaths.

[Canvases] Garden One

        "I am too easily destroyed," said the young man to the roses in the garden. He was bent in a full bow, hands pocketed and eyes closed. He hung there like a perfectly posed marionette, with just enough slack on the lines to make it look comfortable.
        His companion deliberated with wrinkled nose before deciding to bite the proffered hook. "Presuming your life, you are immortal. Presuming your soul, we are already in Heaven. Presuming your mind, there are no secrets left which can ambush it. How then, too easily destroyed?"
        He turned his head over his shoulder as his eyes opened slow. He smiled softly, and winked sweetly, "I presume my heart, of course."

[DnD] Character Sketch - Death

        She appeared before them, and around her burnt feathers hung like snowflakes asked to pause descent in the winter air. She moved like a--oh? Oh what did they see? You mean to say, what did she look like? Well she was beautiful.

        I take your frustration as dissatisfaction. Very well, I will belabor the point and halve the elegance of the word.

        Listen. There are two beauties in the world, for the only intent or purpose that beauty matters.