Prompt: "Write what is going on in the tortoises head each time he
comes across the hare and the hare subsequently sprints ahead again.
Including the start and finish of the race... Oh yeah and the tortoise
is a serial killer..." - Kurt Cziriak
New Blood
Leg 1.
Oh yes.
Oh. Yeeees.
This is the field of battle
But should we call it battle
If it will end in massacre?
We shall call it battle still
And battle it shall be, though-
Oh yes of course.
Yes you see I ignored
The Ready, yes, and The Steady,
And I even ignored the-
No. Not by accident.
You see, there is a
Leg 2.
Yes, now the final struggle begins
Long have I waited
Long has my jaw awaited
This soft fur
This smooth jugular
He rests like a child, a fool!
Long ears not long enough to hear
Death approach, beshelled
And inevitable
Now, now at this final moment
Now at the eve of my-
No come back, I-
Hmm? Oh. A ruse. A simple ruse
Call me Cat, for he his my Mouse
And I toy in an every closing net
An ever constricting noose
For you see
Leg, uh. Leg 3?
Now! Look!
He forages for berries!
Ha ha, see the red juice stain his fur
Oh my pet
Soon your coat will taste that redder juice
That well of life will run dry
For from it I will draw long
And savor every-
No. No, listen.
This is a plot carefully laid.
Every escape makes the catch
All the sweeter.
E'en now, I can taste the drops
That will run (ha! oh, run...)
Run from
Wow. Okay. Final Leg.
Ha! Aha ha!
Look who stands victor!
I! I Tortoise!
I see my my dinner rise
Atop the penultimate hill
Rested, well fed, expecting solace
Perhaps consolation from defeat
Perhaps he awaits-
Yes. Thank you.
Yes, good race. Well run, etc.
No don't-
Come back!
I need-
I was going to eat you...
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